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“My studio is environmentally safe, comfortable, nurturing and challenging.” 


Mission Statement: We are committed to integrity in a professional environment where we deliver accredited programs. We guarantee accelerated instruction from a professionally certified faculty who promise compassion and understanding for each and every student. 



The Ireland Academy of Dance & Performing Arts is certified by the British Association of Teachers of Dance (B.A.T.D.), Associated Dance Arts for Professional Teachers (A.D.A.P.T.) and Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D.). The school has proudly been serving the Belleville area for 35 years (since 1989) and looks forward to continuing the tradition and joy of dancing for years to come.  With certified and highly qualified instructors, students of all ages and abilities are given the opportunity to enjoy the thrill and excitement of performing, gaining self-discipline, improving coordination, and most importantly taking part in the fun and energy of dancing. 


FREQUENT STEPS BOUTIQUE ~ Your store for dancewear. 

During the School Year:       Monday - Wednesday 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm

                                             Thursday                     12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

                                             Saturday                        9:00 am – 1:00 pm

                                             Friday, Sunday & Holidays Closed

                                             Summer Hours Vary.





The Ireland Academy of Dance & Performing Arts continually strives to offer you the highest standard of dance and instruction available.  The following brief descriptions will help you make an informed decision in choosing the class that is right for you.   


BALLET: Our junior school studies the B.A.T.D. and R.A.D. ballet syllabi, which focuses on technique, posture and coordination.  These methods have been carefully designed by professional dancers and teachers affiliated with these international organizations. The syllabi – including Classical Ballet, Character Dance, and Free Movement - are designed to develop technique and understanding, correct posture and strength, rhythm and syncopation, and emphasizes relaxation, energy and use of space.   


POINTE: Introductory and advanced levels offered to students taking a qualifying level of ballet. Syllabus focuses on strength, technique and foot and pointe shoe care.  


TAP: A.D.A.P.T. & B.A.T.D. offered at all levels, with focus on developing coordination and rhythm.  Students learn to use their bodies as instruments as they develop clarity and sound quality through the tap.   


JAZZ: A.D.A.P.T. & B.A.T.D. offered at all levels, with focus on improving posture, flexibility, placement and coordination.  At senior levels, a foundation of Modern and/or Ballet is prerequisite. 


LYRICAL: Offered at senior levels, a combination of Ballet, Modern and Jazz.  Focus is placed on posture, alignment, emotional development and flexibility.  Ballet and Jazz experience are pre-requisite. 


CONTEMPORARY: Offered at senior levels, a combination of Ballet, Modern and Jazz.  Focus is placed on posture, alignment, emotional development, and flexibility.  Ballet and Jazz experience are pre-requisite. 


HIP HOP/JAZZ FUNK: Dance style that started on the streets of big cities.  It now has its own vocabulary.  Sneakers are the favoured shoes. (Black running shoes preferred) 


ACRO DANCE: This unique form of dance concentrates on controlled gymnastic movements to music combined with modern and jazz dance movements.  Flexibility is improved through stretching and practice of different gymnastic moves.  Different levels are offered based on experience.


BALLROOM: Offered to couples of all ages, a 10-week class including the Waltz, Fox Trot and Swing. Some Latin dances may be included.  No dance experience necessary, private lessons available. 


MUSICAL THEATRE:  This genre involves acting, lip syncing and dance in a fun way with emphasis on performing. Excerpts from musicals will be included for characterization development.  


PERFORMANCE DANCE TROOP: PRE-COMPETITIVE & COMPETITIVE: These classes are designed for advanced technical training in the branch’s students have been invited to participate in.  The program is designed to create a high-performance technical dancer, one who is capable of performing at the level of competence required to compete. 

The team competes at a provincial level across the province with four - five competitions per year.


Pre-School Programs: Ages 2 years and up

Our exciting Preschool programs follow the themes of the year to include a Halloween dance, Christmas dance, and a year end recital performance. Open houses for parent viewing are included twice a year!


TINY TUTUS: 2-3 years, an introductory class designed for the beginner dancer who is 2 by Fall registration time. The students enter the classroom on their own, with parents waiting close by. The curriculum introduces the fundamentals of ballet. Skips, gallops, jumps, claps, rhythm, timing, mime, gestures with props are all included. (Belleville Studio only)


JUMP’N JAMIN: 3 years and up, this class is designed to develop coordination, rhythm and introduce movement to music.  Basic Ballet technique is introduced. (Campbellford Studio only)


BEAUTIFUL BALLET, TAPPIN TOES, FUNKY JAZZ (FIRST STEPS): 3 yrs and up, The BATD offers a beginner level introduction to dance in all three genres. Warm up, progressive steps across the room, amalgamation of skills with dances, (Halloween, Christmas, Easter themes) is taught weekly in these classes. 


MUSICAL THEATRE: 3 yrs and up, this is a delightful class introducing music, movement, acting, storytelling and lip syncing. Games, Movies, Broadway shows are the curriculum material. Students gain confidence, expression and performance skills that translate to all other styles of dance. 


ACRO DANCE: Tiny tumblers, ages 2-3yrs, Mini tumblers, ages 4-6yrs, introduction to Acro skills to include warm up, front rolls, bridges, splits, bear crawls, back arches, cartwheels, balance exercises, fun games, props and music and mats used.


HAPPENIN HIP HOP: 5 yrs and up, this class is designed to teach the fundamentals of funky jazz and hip hop. Fun, fast, and funky music, isolations, progressive steps across the room and amalgamations are worked in this curriculum. 


PROP IT UP!:  8 weeks of dance, tumbling, acting and singing all using props like hats, musical instruments, scarves and costumes. (when available)




Miss Liane Ireland (Fellowship B.A.T.D. Stage, Associate B.A.T.D. Modern, A.D.A.P.T. Tap and Jazz Certified) 

  • Director of Ireland Academy of Dance & Performing Arts 

  • Instructor in; Stage, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Ballet, and Ballroom 

  • Performance Dance Troop Director


Miss Jocelyn Marsh (Associate B.A.T.D Ballet, Jazz) 

  • Campbellford Instructor/Coordinator

  • Instructor in; Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acro


Miss Dana Throop (BA(Hons), B/Ed. D.S.W., Acrobatic Arts Certified, ADAPT Junior Jazz, Tap, ADTA Faculty, Alixa Flexibility Certified (Levels 1-3)

  • Instructor in; Acro, Jazz, Tap 

  • Performance Dance Troop Choreographer/Coach


Miss Isabella Rapino (Associate B.A.T.D Jazz, A.D.A.P.T. Tap and Jazz Certified, PBT Certified, R.A.D. Intermediate Ballet) 

  • Instructor in; Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Contemporary, PBT

  • Performance Dance Troop Coordinator, Choreographer/Coach


Miss Mackenzie Teno (Associate B.A.T.D. Stage, Jazz, PBT certified, R.A.D. Intermediate Ballet) 

  • Instructor in: Ballet, Jazz, Tap, PBT 

  • Performance Dance Troop Choreographer/Coach


Mrs Nancy Finn (R.A.D. Ballet Teacher Certification, PBT Certified)

  • Instructor in: Ballet, Pointe, PBT


Miss Tori Doran (B.A.T.D Stage Associate in training, Acrobatic Arts Certified) 

  • Instructor in: Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Acro, Musical Theatre

Junior Instructors:

Miss Lily Saito (ADAPT Advanced Jazz in Training, R.A.D. Advanced Foundations Ballet) 

  • Instructor in: Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Acro

  • Performance Dance Troop Team Member & Choreographer


Miss Riley Bogart (ADAPT Advanced Jazz, R.A.D. Advanced Foundations Ballet) 

  • Instructor in: Jazz, Ballet, Tap 

  • Performance Dance Troop Team Member & Choreographer


Miss Grace Bonn (ADAPT Advanced Jazz, R.A.D. Advanced Foundations Ballet) 

  • Instructor in: Acro, Conditioning & Skills

  • Performance Dance Troop Team Member




The Ireland Academy of Dance follows four Associations of syllabus work. Listed below are the genres that the Associations offer examinations in. 


  • R.A.D. (Ballet) 

  • B.A.T.D. (Ballet, Tap, Stage, Jazz, Modern) 

  • A.D.A.P.T. (Tap, Jazz) 

  • Acrobatic Arts (Acro)


Our brochure outlines that we offer syllabus testing for students from age 4 years and up. Students are placed in the appropriate level according to age and skill level and progress when examinations are completed. The syllabus work is taught all year to all students and examinations are the goal and reward for the students' hard work and commitment. The syllabi curriculum is taught in a fun energetic manner to allow students to enjoy their classes as well as keeping the standard of the Academy at a consistent level. 


Examinations can be held at various times of the year depending on the Association and preparedness of the students. An official certificate of merit, a medal or trophy depending on the level and Association is given to the student upon completion. There is a fee to take an exam as well as a fee for extra preparation classes and mock exams required prior to the examinations. These are credentials that are like a swimming lesson badge, Royal Academy of Music,  that can lead to further certification for teaching, auditioning for post-secondary dance, arts programs and or professional dance careers. 


Although eligibility is at the discretion of the teacher, all students are encouraged to partake in the examinations when invited as it is always the goal to progress them to their best potential. A progress evaluation will be distributed to the students prior to exams to outline the eligibility, strengths, weaknesses, and areas of technique to work on. Students are encouraged to take notes and make corrections weekly to perfect the skill level required. Extra class fees for preparation will be billed and parents will be notified in this case. 


To date the Academy has certified 53 teachers in the BATD Association. One RAD student has gone on to dance professionally in Toronto, in the professional ballet program at Quinte Ballet School and another RAD student attended the National Ballet Teacher's certification program. The Academy provides opportunities to young children and adults with opportunities for any students who wish to pursue dance in the above-mentioned areas. 


You have done a great service by registering your child at the Ireland Academy. We have wonderful mentoring instructors who instill confidence, trust, safety, and characteristics that are needed to create a positive, well-rounded student. 




It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to read all information provided.  This includes: 





Communication will be sent via EMAIL.  You will be asked to provide an email address at the time of registration.  A copy of the most recent Welcome Package, Brochure, Schedule, will be e-mailed to you.


Dance Studio Pro: Parents can register their dancer(s), check their account, receive invoices, absences, and complete the required waivers online. Progress reports, recital information will be posted through the year. Please ensure your contact information is correct on your portal.



  • Liability Waivers must be completed on DSP prior to dancers first class

  • Honour System/Partnership-Parent will not send their dancer if they are exhibiting any Covid/Illness signs or symptoms.

  • Studio will notify parent(s) of any illness or injury 

  • Dancer must arrive in their dancewear, with shoes only and water bottle 

(Please no large bags or no changing will be permitted on premises)

  • Litter less protocol is required.

In the case of separate family arrangements, it is the responsibility of the parents to communicate and share information with each other or separate emails MUST be provided.   



Your questions and concerns are important to us.  However, teachers and the Director CANNOT be disturbed during class teaching hours. Your student’s instruction is our priority.  You may arrange, through the Boutique, a phone or in-person meeting with a teacher/director after class hours. The teacher/director will endeavor to return your call within one business day.   


PUNCTUALITY:  It is imperative that students arrive to class on time. Please ensure time for changing and visiting the washroom prior to class (especially for junior students). Late students will not be admitted to class unless a phone call prior to class or parent explanation has been made. Lateness is disruptive to all involved. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THE STUDIO DOOR DURING CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION.  Chronically late students will be subject to a phone call from the studio.  



Dress code is MANDATORY at the Ireland Academy. Dress code ensures safety, uniformity, and professionalism as well as teaching good grooming and is conducive to dance students executing proper movement and technique.  Please arrive for class in the proper dance wear as required for your class.  Please leave all jewelry including watches, bracelets, and earrings at home as they are not acceptable and not the responsibility of The Academy. Hair for all classes must be in a bun or pulled off the face if short. 

Senior students are expected to arrive in proper dress code including hair. Teachers will enforce this code with parents and students and will contact the director if there is need for review. 


Our attention to your child’s dance class is our priority.  Parents are responsible for monitoring their children’s conduct and behaviour.  The waiting room is provided for your convenience.  Please keep it safe, clean, and quiet for the benefit of the dancers. If students bring computers, phones etc. to the studio the Academy is NOT responsible for theft or loss. WI-FI is available in the waiting room. 


CELL PHONES:  Cell phones are not welcome in the classroom.  Please leave phones secure in your dance bag in the change room.  Students can use their phones for emergencies and are welcome to use the store phone in case of emergency or between classes. THE IRELAND ACADEMY WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS. A lost and found box is placed in the change room for one month and then items are given to the good will. 



Although the need for discipline is rare as the classes are designed to be fun and organized, there is a protocol in place for disruptive behaviour.                                                                                       

  1. A gentle reminder of expected class behaviour 

  1. Time-out for a couple of minutes until behaviour improves.  

  1. Child escorted to the waiting room by the parent stating that “it is not a good dance day” and possibly returns to class after a small break.              


ABSENCES: It is the responsibility of the parent or student to notify the studio prior to an absence.  Junior classes that are missed may be made up by attending that same level class offered at a different day/time during the week. Students/parents are asked not to contact the individual teachers regarding their absence but rather phone or email the studio.  


CANCELLATIONS: We are unable to make up weather related cancellations at this time. Notices will be emailed and posted on social media. Make up classes are based on scheduling for holidays or instructor unavailability.







Our Spring Performance will be held in Belleville. You will be receiving a “Spring Recital Information Package” in January. We work with our seamstresses & suppliers to ensure quality custom-made costumes at reasonable prices.  A non-refundable costume fee payment is required by November 30, 2024.  Students enrolling in January or later are not guaranteed participation in the spring recital.  Participation is at the discretion of the instructor and Studio Director. 


Costume Fees

Tiny Tutus/Tumblers & Jump’n’Jamin’: $49.00 + hst

All other Junior recital costumes: $95.00 + hst

Senior recital costumes: $105.00 + hst (deposit - fee not to exceed $125.00)



Non-participation must be received by November 30, 2024. NO REFUNDS ON COSTUME FEES.

  2023/2024 FEE SCHEDULE


The fees listed below cover the cost of instruction only. There is a $30 + hst annual membership fee required for the first student in each family ($10 second child and $5 for each subsequent student in a family) . 


There are two terms (September -January and January- June) The fees for EACH term are: 

½ hour class $225 + hst

¾ hour class $265 + hst 

1 hour class $299 + hst 


SEPARATE BILLING SCALE: Fees for Private/Semi private lessons, Technique, Intermediate & Senior classes, RAD Gr 4-6, Intermediate, Advanced, Elementary, Associate level classes & technique classes have a different billing scale. Classes with only 3 students will have a separate fee structure notified to parents. 



Fees may be paid by Cash, Debit, Visa, MasterCard, through DSP or e-transfer to A 3% late fee will be charged monthly to all overdue accounts.


In the case of separate family arrangements, the registering parent is required to pay the fees in full. 


Fee dates include: - Fall Registration (Aug/Sept)

- Costume Deposits (Nov)

- Winter/Spring Registration (Jan)

- Exam Fees (Due at time of exam session)



September - May payment plans may be available upon request.  A current credit card must be provided for all payment plans.  Payment plans will be posted on the 1st and processed on the 15th of every month and will include a 3% fee to DSP,  unless other payment has been received before the due date.


Payment plan administration fees are as follows: 

  • $30.00 per student per year. An additional $20.00 administration fee will be charged for any changes made by the student or parent(s) after the first payment has been made. 



Fees are non-refundable, except on medical grounds (a physical injury), with a detailed doctor’s certificate.  A $30 administration fee will be deducted from any refund. It is at the discretion of the Director if a refund or credit is to be given. 

There are NO REFUNDS for missed regular or summer intensive classes. There are NO REFUNDS recital costumes. 


The Ireland Academy of Dance reserves the right to cancel or combine classes due to insufficient  



Core Value Statements:

1)     We strive to inspire, educate, and motivate.

2)     We are committed to shaping and helping students to become responsible and respectful/respectable young adults while creating lifelong friendships and memories to cherish.

3)     We are committed to creating a safe space where students feel they can be themselves, feel supported, make mistakes, and have fun, no matter who they are.

4)     We are committed to inspire and motivate your children, and we will take our inspiration and motivation from them.

5)     We create lifelong friendships, communities and second families within the studio.

6)     We strive to be strong community members inside and outside of the walls of this studio.

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